
Lenticchie biologiche – Confezione da 400 gr

Lenticchie biologiche – Confezione da 400 gr


Lentils are legumes of the Papilionaceae family, they are the oldest legume cultivated by man. They are harvested in the summer months for winter consumption.

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Additional information


The harvesting season is in the summer in the months between June and August depending on the climatic conditions;

Best month

All the year;

Nutritional properties

Lentils contain about 25% of proteins, 53% of carbohydrates and 2% of vegetable oils. Rich in phosphorus, iron and B vitamins, they have a high protein content, a good amount of sugar and a low amount of fat. They are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals essential for the prevention of atherosclerosis, in the regulation of intestinal functions and contribute to the control of glucose and cholesterol levels in the blood; They are also antioxidants and contain vitamin PP;


325 Kcal per 100 g of product;

How to store

Keep the lentils in a cool and dry place and consume by the expiry date shown on the package;

Main Cooking Methods

Once soaked for 8-24 hours, the lentils are boiled in boiling salted water for about 3 hours. Cooking must take place over low heat and covered pot. When it comes to the boil, add salt and flavor. Also add a tablespoon of oil;

Doses per person

80 g of cooked lentils;


The doses per person refer to the product already cooked. Calculate half for the dry product; cleaning by hand is recommended.